Project title Building type Heating and cooling system Location Architect/Client CTM surface Year
Forschungszentrum Jülich | Research Centre laboratory, refurbishment plaster on gypsum board, plaster on concrete, GRAVIMAT Germany, Jülich 297 m² 2002 - 2003
Pharmacy Bünde public building GRAVIMAT, plaster on concrete, jointless drywall ceiling with CTM placed on top Germany, Bünde 180 m² 2020
Volksbank Mindener Land Minden office building, refurbishment metal panel, jointless drywall ceiling with CTM placed on top, GRAVIMAT Germany, Minden 1.980 m² 2012 & 2014
Kreissparkasse Halle Westfalen | Savings Bank office building jointless drywall ceiling with CTM placed on top, GRAVIMAT Germany, Halle (Westfalen) 1.717 m² 2010-2011
Capricornhaus | E.ON Energy Trading Düsseldorf office building, new construction jointless drywall ceiling with CTM placed on top, GRAVIMAT Germany, Düsseldorf

Architect: Gatermann + Schossig

70 m² 2008
E.ON AG Düsseldorf office building, refurbishment plaster on gypsum board, plaster on concrete, GRAVIMAT Germany, Düsseldorf

Architect: Oswald Matthias Ungers

1.211 m² 2007 - 2008
Stadtwerke Herne | Municipal Utilities office building jointless gypsum board ceiling with OPTIPANEL 18, GRAVIMAT Germany, Herne 247 m² 2011
Westfälische Provinzial Versicherung | Insurance Münster office building jointless drywall ceiling with CTM placed on top, GRAVIMAT Germany, Muenster 258 m² 2010 - 2011
DKV Krankenversicherung | Health Insurance Cologne office building GRAVIMAT Germany, Cologne 283 m² 2001
Laboratory cooling University Cologne laboratory GRAVIMAT Germany, Cologne 40 m² 2018
Retirement home Sunrise Villa Camphausen Bonn social and medical institutions, refurbishment jointless drywall ceiling with CTM placed on top, GRAVIMAT Germany, Bonn 1.112 m² 2005
Schäfer Werke Neunkirchen office building GRAVIMAT Germany, Neunkirchen 129 m² 2008