Project title Building type Heating and cooling system Location Architect/Client CTM surface Year
M-Plan GmbH Wolfsburg office building jointless drywall ceiling with CTM placed on top Germany, Wolfsburg 471 m² 2001
Sparkasse Wolfsburg|Savings Bank Wolfsburg office building jointless drywall ceiling with CTM placed on top Germany, Wolfsburg 901 m² 2002
The Ritz-Carlton in the "VW Autostadt" Wolfsburg hotel acoustic plaster ceiling BASWA Cool Germany, Wolfsburg 214 m² 2013
VW Autostadt "Lagune" Wolfsburg public building plaster on gypsum board Germany, Wolfsburg 296 m² 2012
VW Autostadt "Raucher Lounge" Wolfsburg public building acoustic plaster ceiling BASWA Cool Germany, Wolfsburg 70 m² 2013